Top 5 reasons to start a blog
Blogging isn’t the new kid on the block, it isn’t a new craze that all the kids are talking about like the great “ selfie ” pandemic of 2013 (that continues into 2014)… thanks Miley!
I may have come to the party super late, but I finally made it, yippee! So this post has nothing to do with why anybody else has decided to blog, why someone is telling you, you should start a blog, its more the reasons that I decided to start up WriteStyle .
1. The freedom to say what you want
Blogging makes me feel like that kid on the playground eating the sand… You are going to have your teacher/mother telling you to stop. If I want to eat the sand, I’m going to eat the sand. I can do what I want and that’s what blogging allows you to do.
By that same token, in no way do I endorse harming/offending anyone with with your words (shame on you if you think that blogging is the mouth-piece to be the big bully on the playground!). Blogging is about expressing your personality, your uniqueness, your creativity. If no one else concurs with what you write, then its still ok, you are doing what you want, eating the blogging sand without worrying about judgement from anybody else. And yay to the people who do respond positively to your blogging, like what they read and react to it in someway, this I like to call “ the added incentive” .
2. Digital diva
The way the world of marketing oneself has progressed over the years has fast seen a push to move to the digital space. Gone are the days when you would exchange mobile numbers and send text messages to each other. We moved to a time of being friends on Facebook was the way to go, following the person on Twitter and getting pic updates on their Instagram.
And as for copywriters and anybody involved in the writing world, time and time again I never am asked to bring along my portfolio in a big flip file. Oh no, its more like “ what is your URL? “, “ Send me a link to your Google+ profile “, “ What’s your blog name ?”.
I won’t lie, it’s a pretty cool feeling knowing you are able to answer these questions when asked. {insert happy dance}
3. Inspired by everything
Once you get into the blogging swing, for me, its become as much a part of my life as brushing my teeth… my dentist will be pleased to know that i do this dutifully a minimum of twice a day!
And seriously, you will start to find inspiration in everything you do. You can stare out the office windows at nothing and BAM , an idea will pop into your head. Be speaking to your mate and mid-sentence get an idea to write about sweets and pastries. Crazier things have happened. I’m feeling hungry all of a sudden…
A good tip is to never leave your notepad and pen at home (I’m still old school like that). Jot down anything and everything that inspires you and you could too see it blossom into a blog post.
4. Community lurvin’
By sharing your thoughts with others, they might then start interacting with you, sharing their thoughts and opinions. I love it! You get to meet so many new and interesting people. There is so much to learn from folks around you and their stories could inspire you even more.
The hippies were onto something when they preached about “ making love, not war “. There really is so much blog loving out there and I am proud to be a member of this FAB community now!
5. A sense of pride
With a blog, by sharing your words, you are putting yourself out there to the world. Yes, you may not have an insane amount of readers to your blog, but by simply posting something with your name behind it, no matter who reads it, you should give yourself a high five !
I was recently told I looked incredibly weird high five-ing myself, but it’s that same notion as patting yourself on the shoulder, be proud of what you have just achieved. Any insecurities, self-doubt can be cast aside and you can really flourish through the medium of blogging.
Please feel free to add what you think the reasons you started your blog and why others should start one of their own.
For now, I will leave you to continue my above-mentioned happy dance.